Paul Associates Printers
A hard-working, full service printing company based in Indio, California. Established in 2014, we hit the ground running with our direct approach to quality production. From large scale solutions to communication, development, and project managing, we offer our clients the full package. Paul Associates Printers is dedicated to quality, competitive pricing, and customer service.
At Paul Associates Printers we offer quality printing and employ the specialized processes that help to create eye-catching graphics, including: foil stamping, die-cutting, embossing, and jeweling card manufacturing.

Jan Brakebill - Principal
The small business model allows me to collaborate in a team environment where each of us takes pride in assuring quality production. We provide services to various businesses, including: Casinos, Sole Proprietorships, City Government, Non-Profit Organizations, Rotary, Restaurants and Local Growers. Because the desert environment is very important to us, we utilize 30% post recycled paper and soy-based ink, renewable resources. In my free time I enjoy traveling, gardening, gourmet cooking, and relaxing by the pool with friends. I volunteer to help support community-minded organizations including the Indio Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and the Desert Valley’s Builder’s Association.
Rosemary Sanchez
Sales Representative
Otherwise known in the office as the networker, Rosemary's charm and willingness to talk to anyone and everyone has been key to building our large local client base.
Rosemary Sanchez - Sales Representative
My favorite thing about being a sales representative is that every day is different. I get to meet people from all kinds of different fields and provide assistance to both English and Spanish speakers. Most of my clients come to me with broad conceptual ideas. I find it exciting to lend focus, define the goals, and develop the most effective solutions. I pride myself in identifying the best suited products for businesses at their desired price point. Outside Paul Associates Printers, I cherish the time I spend with family, cooking and playing with my children and grandchildren. Getting the kids outdoors and off of their electronic devices cultivates leadership and brightens their future, which is very important to me.

Rosemary Sanchez - Representante de Ventas
Lo que más me gusta de ser un representante de ventas es que cada día es diferente. Tengo la oportunidad de conocer a gente de todo tipo de diferentes campos y prestar asistencia tanto a los oradores Inglés y Español. La mayoría de mis clientes vienen a mí con ideas conceptuales amplios. Me resulta interesante prestar atención, definir los objetivos, y desarrollar las soluciones más eficaces. Me enorgullezco en la identificación de los mejores productos adecuados para las empresas en su punto de precio deseado. Fuera Paul Associates Impresoras, valoro el tiempo que paso con la familia, cocinar y jugar con mis hijos y nietos. Obtención de los cabritos al aire libre y fuera de sus dispositivos electrónicos cultiva el liderazgo y aclara su futuro, que es muy importante para mí.
“We're a small and growing consultancy. We look forward to meeting you and your team and helping you define your goals, develop solutions - and realize them! So what are you waiting for, let's meet."